BRS leaders, including Harish Rao, Vivekananda, Bandaru Laxma Reddy, and others, visited Sreetej, the young boy severely injured in the stampede incident at Sandhya Theater. Currently receiving treatment at KIMS Hospital, the leaders spoke with doctors and family members to assess his health. Senior leaders Errabelli Dayakar Rao, Srinivas Goud, and Naveen Rao were also present, pledging full support to the victim's family.
Harish Rao Addresses Media on the Incident
Speaking to the media, Harish Rao shared updates on Sreetej's condition. “The doctors at KIMS have confirmed that Sreetej is receiving excellent treatment. We hope for his speedy recovery,” he said. He conveyed that KCR, the Chief Minister, has instructed them to provide moral support to Sreetej's father, Bhaskar, while also extending condolences for Revathi, who tragically lost her life in the incident.
Harish Rao criticized the government, accusing it of politicizing the Sandhya Theater incident. “The CM must stop using fear tactics on film enthusiasts. This is not the first time such indifference has been shown. For example, there is no record of the CM visiting families affected by incidents in Gurukuls,” he pointed out.
Raising further questions, Harish Rao remarked, “If a sarpanch in the state committed suicide, why was no action taken against the CM's younger brother? The CM claims the law applies equally to everyone, but why has his brother remained untouched?”