Cinema star Allu Arjun recently visited KIMS Hospital in Secunderabad to meet Sree Tej, a young boy seriously injured in a stampede at Sandhya Theater. Accompanied by Telangana Film Development Corporation (FDC) Chairman and producer Dil Raju, Allu Arjun spent approximately 20 minutes in the hospital. During his visit, he spoke with doctors to understand Sree Tej's medical condition and treatment progress. He also met the boy's father, Bhaskar. Security measures in the hospital were intensified in light of the visit.
Earlier, Allu Arjun had clarified about his absence by claiming that he had been advised to not make a visit so far by his legal team as some matters were pending for legal clarity on the incidents. He then went to the hospital after informing the police in charge.
The tragic stampede occurred on December 4 during a benefit show of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad. The tragic incident claimed the life of one Revathi who was a Dilsukhnagar resident, leaving her son Sree Tej with severe injuries. After the tragedy, Sree Tej was admitted to KIMS Hospital for further treatment.
In an aftermath of the tragic event, Allu Arjun joined hands with Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar, who directs Pushpa 2, and declared providing financial assistance to the family of Revathi. Allu Arjun promised Rs. 1 crore, producers of the film, and Sukumar, Rs. 50 lakh each. This money was arranged through Dil Raju to be a hand on their side during the hard times.