Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu announced plans to develop Kuppam as a model constituency. He emphasized that comprehensive strategies have been devised to ensure the area's growth aligns with other progressive regions. As part of this initiative, the Chief Minister launched the 'Jananayakudu' portal at the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) office in Kuppam to streamline public grievance redressal.

Public Grievance Redressal

CM Chandrababu personally met the residents and party workers and listened to their grievances during the visit. He visited counters to get a firsthand experience of their problems and issued instructions on the spot to officials to rectify the problems immediately. A new recently initiated portal will now allow people to register their grievances and problems, and their resolution would be undertaken in a structured manner.

Jananayakudu Portal Inaugurated

Speaking at a media conference, Chief Minister detailed objectives of the initiative 'Jananayakudu'.

  • The portal allows citizens, TDP leaders, and workers to register complaints.
  • Complaints can be submitted through WhatsApp, making it easier to access the portal.
  • Every complaint will be logged, studied, and then solved within the time frame that is set

A Commitment to Kuppam

Chandrababu Naidu again confirmed his commitment to the people of Kuppam. "Being the MLA in this area, I have special responsibility. They have elected me eight consecutive times, so I am also hopeful that the people will see expectations from me as the Chief Minister. In doing so, it is not merely a case of providing some immediate solutions for them, but through this project, it's a new governance experiment," he added.

Under the Jananayakudu programme and planned development, the chief minister intends to make Kuppam into an ideal constituency as a shining example of sound administrative acumen and public service delivery.