Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu has launched a new program called 'Jana Nayakudu', designed to address public grievances effectively. Under this initiative, issues raised directly by citizens, reported via WhatsApp, or brought forward by Telugu Desam Party (TDP) activists and leaders will be registered on a dedicated portal. These grievances will then be linked to PGRS and RTGS for redressal within a stipulated time frame. The Chief Minister was optimistic that this platform would lead to better governance.

Pilot Programme in Kuppam Constituency

The program is initially being introduced in the Kuppam constituency, which is the Chief Minister's constituency. Mr. Naidu launched the initiative at the TDP office when he visited Kuppam; 1,090 applications from the public were received there. He said that if the pilot program works out, it will be introduced in all the districts in the state.

During the launch, the Chief Minister emphasized that effective redressal of people's petitions is important because solving these problems will encourage further citizen participation. He added that during election campaigns, activists went door-to-door to understand people's problems, and similar efforts would be repeated if this initiative succeeds.

Agreements for Development Initiatives

At NTR Sports Ground, the Chief Minister signed agreements amounting to several crores of rupees for the development of local infrastructure. Some of the key partnerships are as follows:

  • Mother Dairy: ₹105 crore.
  • Sreeja Women's Milk Producers' Association: ₹233 crore.
  • Tie-ups with TCS, Alip, Easymart, and other companies for investments and training programs in Kuppam.

Public Feedback through IVRS

Mr. Naidu emphasized the importance of collecting public opinions on government programs through Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS). Surveys and extensive studies are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of programs like ration and pension distribution. He urged officials to ensure transparency and accountability in governance, warning against negligence and manipulation of land records, which he attributed to the opposition party.

Empowering TDP Cadres

Hitting high notes on Telugu Desam Party's achievement, Mr Naidu declared that the party for the first time has crossed the one crore mark in membership. Organizational polls will start from January and be completed by May. The Chief Minister assured political empowerment, welfare benefits, accident insurance, and entrepreneurship training to the cadres.

He reminded officials and party members about their responsibilities of good governance by warning them that failure to deliver could harm the party.

Public Welfare: MLAs will also contribute

The Chief Minister challenged the MLAs to personally make contributions to the welfare of society even after having been elected. He criticized the previous YSRCP government for filing partisan cases against the media and promised to address those issues. He further spoke about expanding oxygen plants and training programs for women entrepreneurs, inspired by his wife, Mrs. Bhuvaneshwari.

Addressing Individual Grievances

Engaging with Petitioners During the inauguration program, Mr. Naidu engaged with citizens who submitted petitions. Key interventions were:

  • Approving ₹8 lakhs for a child who suffers from hearing loss.
  • Solving a farmer's complaint regarding the mismatch in loan processing and re-scheduling the loan with more government support for equipment into boreholes.