Actress Niharika Konidela spoke about the Sandhya Theater incident for the first time. Speaking during the promotions of her upcoming film, 'Madras Karan', she shared her emotional response. Niharika said that the incident hurt her a lot and it was something which was not expected at all. "It broke my heart to hear about it," she said. The actress also mentioned that Allu Arjun, her cousin, is slowly healing from the situation with the support and admiration of fans.
Niharika on Family Support and Inspirations
Niharika was candid about the role her family plays in her professional and personal choices. "I seek suggestions and advice from my family," she said. She pointed out how her brother, Varun Tej, helps her with decisions on stories, while her cousin, Ram Charan, is the source of joy and learning for her. "I play and enjoy with Ram Charan Anna, and he teaches me how to deal with interviews," she said. Niharika also stated taking inspiration from Allu Arjun, mainly with regards to style and dressing. "He gives importance to each minute detailing of his attires and remakes himself with each movie," she added.
Niharika's Excitement over 'Madras Karan'
After a long gap, Niharika is back to acting with 'Madras Karan'. The film is an action movie directed by Valimohan Das. Shaan Nigam is playing the lead role while Aishwarya Dutta is playing an important part. The movie will be released on January 10, and Niharika is optimistic that it would entertain the viewers. "I feel this movie has all those elements that could impress the audience," she said in a promotional interview.
Career Highlights
She began her career as an anchor, then shifted to acting with the film 'Oka Manasu'. She then appeared in films like 'Happy Wedding' and 'Suryakantham'. In addition to acting, she also ventured into production, making popular web series on YouTube. Niharika stopped acting in 2019 but is currently working on 'What the Fish' in Telugu. She recently ventured into production with 'Committee Kurrollu', which has been a success for her as a producer.
The silver screen has been buzzing with the news of Niharika returning. Her projects up for release display her as both an actor and a producer, while the buzz on 'Madras Karan' promises an action-packed entertainer.